Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of Preschool

Today was the girls' first day of preschool. They were both so excited that it was finally "Tuesday" and they popped right up out of bed. They got booster vaccinations yesterday so they both had sore little legs (4 shots a piece!). So we gave them some Tylenol right before school so it wouldn't be an issue.

For the teacher's sake, I decided to dress them differently on purpose but they both wanted to wear a skirt. So, we did what we could. When little kids start getting their own fashion sense, trouble is ahead!!

Their teacher is "Miss Amy" and they go on Tuesdays & Thursdays in the afternoon. There is a max of 16 kids in each class, but so far there's only about 10 in ours.

They walked right up to the line up area to walk into their classroom and started asking the other kids their names, etc. So friendly.

When we went to pick up the girls, I asked what their favorite part of school today was. Chloe said "I colored a spaceship. It was pink." And Ady was pouting because she knew I had to go to work tonight. But she finally said that her spaceship was purple. They both love Miss Amy and they are excited to go back to school.

Plans for tomorrow include letting the girls pick out their backpacks. Miss Amy said that they will be bringing home papers, etc and they will need a backpack every day. THIS IS PRESCHOOL! I never thought a preschool kid would need a backpack. Sheesh!

Friday, August 5, 2011


In no particular order......

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ady Found the Scissors

Photo0313.jpeg, originally uploaded by idispatch4911.

Ady found the scissors and gave herself a one sided mullet.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Originally uploaded by idispatch4911


Originally uploaded by idispatch4911

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hair Bow Craft

Photo0309.jpeg, originally uploaded by idispatch4911.

quickie glue gun craft. never knew we had so many hair bows!

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Originally uploaded by idispatch4911

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Photo0281.jpeg, originally uploaded by idispatch4911.


Photo0280.jpeg, originally uploaded by idispatch4911.

Chloe playing with Barbies


Photo0279.jpeg, originally uploaded by idispatch4911.

Ady reading a book on the couch

Monday, November 29, 2010


Originally uploaded by idispatch4911

Monday, November 22, 2010

Morning with Chloe

Chloe: Hi Mama, it's dood morning!
Me: Hi my Chloe. It is good morning. How are you doing?
Chloe: Piddy Dood. (Pretty good.)
Me: I am so glad. Did you have a good sleep?
Chloe: Yuh huh. I did. I have to go potty.
Me: Okay, you go potty. And then come back and snuggle with me.
Chloe: I go pee pee and poo poo on the potty and I use toilet paper to wipe my bum.
Me: You do. That's exactly right.
Chloe: I want a chocolate milk, Mama.
Me: Okay, let's go make you a chocolate milk.
Chloe: Mama, I Yuv you. (Love you.)
Me: I love you too, my Chloe. You are a cutie cute!
Chloe: You are a t-utie t-ute too Mama. (cutie cute)
Me: Thanks, honey. Do you want to watch cartoons?
Chloe: I want Matts and Ruby. I yike them. Baby Huffington yikes Matts. (likes Max)
Me: Baby Huffington does like Max. Max is pretty nice, right?
Chloe: He is. I yike him. He's my fwiend. (friend)
Me: He is? That's amazing!
Chloe: I see a snowman yesterday.
Me: You did? Where did you see a snowman?
Chloe: With Damma Tisti. (Grandma Kristi)
Me: Where did you see a snowman with Grandma?
Chloe: I see that thirty years ago!
Me: You saw it 30 years ago? That's amazing!
Chloe: I see the snowman and Ady see the snowman and Damma Tisti see the snowman.
Me: You all did? I'm so glad. Was he a nice snowman?
Chloe: He was. I yike him. (like)
Me: What else did you see with Grandma?
Chloe: A tiddy. (kitty)
Me: A Kitty? What was the kitty doing?
Chloe: He st-ratch my arm and my yeg. (leg)
Me: Why did he do that, my Chloe?
Chloe: Somehow!
Me: Are you okay? Let me see where he scratched you.
Chloe: I need a Barbie band-aid.
Me: Okay, we'll go potty and wash your hands and get you a chocolate milk and a Barbie band-aid, and watch Max and Ruby.
Chloe: O-tay.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Kid Conversations: Adelyn

Ady: "Mama, I like your eyebrows. They are red."
Me: "Thank you, honey! I like your eyebrows too."
Ady: "I don't like my eyebrows." (Bowing head in a pout)
Me: "Why don't you like your eyebrows? They are beautiful!"
Ady: (Looks back up at me.) "They are brown." (Bows head again to pout)
Me: "Brown eyebrows are beautiful. I like your eyebrows."
Ady: "I need to go to the eyebrow store."
Me: "Oh, really? Where is the eyebrow store?"
Ady: "By Walmart."
Me: "Oh, okay. Why do you need to go to the eyebrow store?"
Ady: "So I can be Jessie!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Photo0263.jpeg, originally uploaded by idispatch4911.

mac and cheese in a "save for later" kinda place

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Originally uploaded by idispatch4911

Sunday, September 26, 2010